#023: Tweeter - CAD & FEA
In previous posts (#006 and #008) I have shown how you can make virtual prototypes for loudspeaker drivers. Now, I have also made a...
#022: Acoustic Demultiplexor
Today we will have a look at an acoustic design that I have been wanting to do for a long time; the Acoustic Demultiplexor. The acoustic...
#021: Speaker Enclosure Radiation
When a loudspeaker driver moves back and forth, the enclosure in which in sits will also vibrate to some extend. We will try to...
#020 Subwoofer Placement via an Analytical Function
Today we look at how the sound field in a (non-physical) room can be calculated analytically. The application we look at is again the...
#019: Loudspeaker Enclosure Diffraction
In today’s post I suggest a method for evaluating diffraction from a loudspeaker cabinet/enclosure that involves solving acoustics only...